Lauren Saiger Machowsky

Brooklyn, NY, USA

Ever since she can remember, Lauren has wanted to travel. As a child that meant family trips to Europe and the Caribbean. As a student it meant abroad programs to Spain, France and the Dominican Republic. And as a young adult and continuing on through marriage and 3 beautiful young children later it means she’s gone on and and planned just about every kind of trip imaginable.

At Smartflyer Lauren has continued to book all types of trips. Her focus has been on family travel, both domestic and international as well as honeymoons for couples at the beginning of their own journey. Having traveled all over the world, some of her favorite destinations are Africa, Peru, Galapagos, Greece, Italy, Japan, and Australia.

Favorite Memory

The one thing my husband, 4yr old, 6yr old and I can agree on is that Sao Lorrenco Do Barrocal was hands down our favorite hotel and family vacation. I have never felt so relaxed traveling with little ones. While we soaked up the country side sipping on local wine by the pool, the kids were busy taking a donkey cart ride with the resident donkey Geronimo. And the medieval village of Monsaraz was the icing on the cake – my kids ran through the cobble stone kids and pretended they were in a fairy tale! It was quaint and perfect!

Insider Tip

Not only are all Querido hotels beyond special, but they all seem to have one thing in common – the people that work there take pride and welcome you like you are family. They always go out of their way to cater to you every need and create special experiences for all guests alike. Whether it’s enjoying a special candlelit dinner in the middle of an olive grove in Portugal OR being directed to the most local, authentic dinner in a nearby town.

Next Dream Trip?

Absolutely Borgo Santo Pietro without the kids!!! In fact, I just day dreamt a day spent sipping on wine, spa and biking through the countryside. What I would do to be there right now!

Cannot travel without...

My computer of course so I can work from anywhere!! But also obsessed with the Paraval fold up duffel bag which folds up VERY small. Always love being prepared to bring home some goodies!